A place set apart for Christ centered experiences

About Us

Work at Inspiration Hills!

Know & Grow in Christ

At Inspiration Hills, we are known for our encouraging, fun, and Christ centered work environment. You will be warmly welcomed whether you join our full time staff, summer staff, kitchen staff, or volunteer. Our staff will attest that the opportunity to work here can be very rewarding for so many reasons: being in nature, working with kids, and most of all, growing in relationship with the Lord!

Col 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." At Inspiration Hills, we remember as employees that the work we do is more than just a job, it is an act of service for God and our local Christian community. 

Sign Up to Apply for a Job or Volunteer

Come to Inspiration Hills.

You're Welcome Here!

Our mission is to provide an environment in which individuals can come to know and grow in Christ and be challenged for life in God's Kingdom. We accomplish this mission by hosting various retreats, summer camps, guest reservations, and activities on our property. We'd love for you to come visit us!

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The Hilltop Blog

By Nate Muyskens 15 Jul, 2024
"Rejoice in the Lord Always! I will say it again: Rejoice!"
By DJ Runia 24 Apr, 2024
What keeps bringing you back?
By DJ Runia 27 Mar, 2024
We're Here For You!
By DJ Runia 29 Feb, 2024
Looking for a Summer Job?
By Lexy Krogman 06 Feb, 2024
How horses can be used to teach us about God's character
By Chris Jelken 01 Feb, 2024
Finding Comfort and Joy at Inspiration Hills
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